As clubs are creatively adjusting their operations and communications, it's impressive to see everyone's dedication to carry on the club spirit. Being faced with wholesale changes, such as transforming to a takeout business, adapting facilities to limit exposure, and adjusting communications on the fly, were just a few of last week's challenges. Your ability to show your membership how resilient and dedicated you are during this period proves the value of membership and will set your organization up for success after this health crisis subsides.
Ryan Maione

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Staying Engaged, Active, and Creative During COVID-19
During this unprecedented period of time, our clients are moving in a very fluid fashion. Activities are being rescheduled and clubhouse operations are changing by the minute. More than ever, as decisions are made and information becomes available, it's putting demands on rapid communications to members, staff, and the outside world.
As you know, building content and email communications from scratch can be time-consuming, and to help minimize your workload, we’ve always offered a good selection of templates to help with this process. I say "good" and not "great" purposefully, because we've always wanted to improve our current offering. That's why I’m really excited to tell you about our GREAT new library of over 600 fully responsive templates; all of which are available today within our global library on the admin side.
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